“What Not To Respect?”

what to respect

what to respect

I do not respect any one for their age, gender, religion, financial status, position in the society, designation, power, family background, success or failure. I rather respect the content of an individual, only if it is worth respecting.

For Age -
- A man of 65 could be a gentleman or a roadside bastard.

- A kid of 10 could be an innocent soul or a making of an asshole.

For Gender -
- A woman could be a strong character of substance or an ordinary bitch.

- A man could be a symbol of dignity or a loose talk pervert.

For Religion -
- No religion preaches hate and religion is just an accidental instance. Mostly do not choose a religion, they are accidentally born into it. No religion is superior or inferior.

For Financial Status -
- A king could be ruthless and directionless or could be a concerned owner of his people.

- A beggar could be humble or a crook.

For Position in Society -
- A saint or a society head could be a shrewd mischief maker or a devoted good soul.

For Designation -
- A boss could be stupid while a manager could have brains and vice versa.

For Power -
- A man of power could be cruel and broken or a real statesman

For Family Background -
- A fella from a good family could be a criminal or a bad family could be a gentleman.

For Success or Failure -
- A success could lead to ego and self praise while a failure turns one humble or could lead one into crime.

I extend respect for the content of people and not for any conventional and age old reasons of this world.

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